
Circumcision can be a very controversial topic and a very confusing one. Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin from a penis, and it is a permanent surgical procedure. The considerations in deciding to circumcise your baby include your baby’s health, benefits and risks of the procedure, and religious and social considerations. From a medical standpoint, on one side, the claimed benefits are decreased risks for sexually transmitted diseases, easier or better hygiene, reduced risks for urinary tract infections, and penile cancer.  On the other side, proponents against circumcision cite the risks for complications and inflicting pain in your baby for an elective procedure. This episode examines the pros and cons, available research, and considerations when deciding whether to circumcise your baby. There is a lot of literature available on this topic and many strong opinions on both sides of this debate. After listening to this episode, you will have all of the information you need to weigh the risks and benefits and decide what is right for you and your baby.

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