There are many methods of naturally inducing labor you can do at home. You may have interest in naturally inducing labor for many reasons. You could be nearing your due date, trying to avoid a medical induction, or simply exhausted from being pregnant and anxious to meet your baby. For each of the many natural induction methods, we will cover the mechanisms of how they work, the potential risks, and whether scientific research supports them in inducing labor. This episode includes an examination of the evidence on activities like exercise and sex, treatments like acupuncture, taking castor oil or evening primrose oil, drinking red raspberry leaf tea, eating spicy foods, and much more.
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Your Due Date
We measure pregnancy duration in 40 weeks. Your due date is the end of week 40 or about 280 days from your last menstrual period. This calculation assumes a 28-day cycle, with ovulation about day 14. Your due date is an estimate of when your baby will arrive, and it is not an exact science. Check out this episode for more information on your due date.
The Last Few Weeks
The final weeks of pregnancy are critical to your baby’s development. During this time, you pass maternal antibodies to your baby to help fight infections in the first days and weeks of life. Your baby gains weight and strength. They increase iron stores and develop more coordinated sucking and swallowing abilities. The last few weeks are also when your baby’s lungs mature and prepare for the first breath of air. Your baby also stores brown fat, which will help it maintain its body temperature in the early weeks following birth. A birth before these processes has a chance to run its course and can make a difference in your baby’s health in the short and long term.
Your Body Leading Up to Labor
As your baby and your body get ready to go into labor, your placenta triggers an increase in prostaglandin that softens the cervix to prepare it for effacing and dilating. Your levels of estrogen rise, and levels of progesterone decrease. These hormone changes make your uterus more sensitive to oxytocin, the hormone responsible for contractions. Nearing labor, your baby will move further down into the pelvis.
This symphony of everything working together in sync starts your labor. In a perfect world, everything works like it is supposed to. Your body is ready, your baby is fully mature and ready to enter the world, and you naturally go into labor.
Inducing Labor with Your Doctor or Midwife
About one in four women undergo a medical induction with their doctor or midwife. There are numerous methods your care provider can utilize to induce labor, and each comes with risks and benefits. There is an episode on the Evidence on the risks and benefits of inducing labor that is a masterclass on your options for induction. That episode details why your provider would suggest an induction, how each approach works, and the potential risks and benefits. It includes stripping and sweeping membranes, misoprostol (Cytotec), dinoprostone (Cervidil & Prepidil), synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin), using a laminaria or balloon catheter, and breaking your water. Learn more about your options for inducing labor here.
Natural Ways to Induce Labor
In addition to medical inductions, there are many methods of inducing labor naturally you can do at home. You may have interest in naturally inducing labor for many reasons. You could be nearing your due date, trying to avoid a medical induction, or simply exhausted from being pregnant and anxious to meet your baby. For each of the many ways to induce labor naturally, we will cover the mechanisms of how they work, the potential risks, and whether scientific evidence supports them in inducing labor.
Before You Do Anything to Try and Induce Labor
There are three key things to do before you attempt any of the methods in this article to try and bring on labor naturally:
- Ensure your care provider is on board. You should not attempt any method to naturally induce labor without first discussing it with your doctor or midwife. This is especially critical if you have any preexisting conditions or complications.
- If you have any treatments with any kind of therapist, like an acupuncturist, ensure they are qualified. More importantly, ensure that the person treating you has skills and knowledge about pregnancy-specific treatments.
- Do not attempt any method of inducing labor naturally until you have reached your estimated due date or your doctor or midwife has given you the green light. Any form of induction is an induction, even if you can do it from home. You don’t want to jump-start labor unless your body is ready and your baby is full term.
Anything from a long walk to stair climbing theoretically has the potential to initiate labor. When you are upright and walking, gravity may help your baby descend farther into your birth canal. Your baby’s descent can cause your cervix to dilate through pressure. Climbing stairs requires you to lift your legs higher. This position may put more pressure on your cervix than walking on a flat surface.
One randomized clinical trial evaluated exercise and spontaneous onset of labor. Half of the participants performed 30 min of walking 3 times a week. The exercise group had a lower rate of labor induction (17.5% vs. 33.3%) and fewer operative vaginal deliveries (20.6% vs. 38.1%).
Although limited evidence shows that exercise induces labor, it has other benefits. One study found that regular exercise during pregnancy was linked to a shorter time in labor. Researchers split 140 women into two groups. Half of the participants completing three 60-minute sessions of moderate physical exercise in water per week from weeks 20-37. The exercise group had about a 3-hour shorter labor than those who did not. 70.8% of women in the exercise group went into labor spontaneously, without an induction. This is in comparrison to 60.9% in the group without exercise. Another study that examined exercise during pregnancy found no differences in time in labor or rates of induction between the group that exercised and the group that didn’t.
There isn’t a downside or a risk of exercise or walking, provided you aren’t exercising to the point of exhaustion or injury. You can modify nearly any form of exercise to be safe during pregnancy, including cardio, yoga, and strength training. Listen to your body, and heed signals that you need to slow down or take it easy. Even if exercising is not evidence-based to start your labor, there are many other evidence-based benefits for your physical and mental health. As you near your due date, getting outside for a walk could be an excellent tool to get some fresh air and vitamin D and take your mind off being anxious about when your baby will arrive.
Bumpy Car Ride
You may have heard that a bumpy car ride can naturally induce labor. If you choose to give this a try, remember to drive safely and always wear a seatbelt. From a mechanism standpoint, it is possible that a bumpy car ride could shake things up. I could not locate any evidence to support the idea of taking a bumpy car ride to induce labor.
Warm Bath
Could soaking in a warm bath help to initiate labor? The mechanism behind a warm bath is that soaking in a tub may help you relax and soften your cervix to prepare your body for labor. A warm bath is safe during pregnancy as long as you do not overheat. Since you submerge your body in water, you cannot sweat to cool yourself down. If you feel like you are getting too hot, add some cold water or get out and cool off. Unfortunately, I could not locate any research to support a warm bath to induce labor. Relaxing in a bath is a great way to practice self-care. If you have a standard-size bathtub, you probably cannot float, but you will still enjoy taking some pressure off your back or joints or experience some relief from swelling.
Nipple Stimulation
Stimulating your nipples prompts your pituitary gland to release oxytocin. This is the hormone responsible for contractions and may help bring on labor. Many hospital inductions utilize a synthetic form of oxytocin called Pitocin. You can stimulate your nipples manually or with an electric breast pump. There is a fair amount of evidence behind this method of inducing labor naturally.
In one study, researchers divided 200 women into two groups. One practiced breast massage for 15-20 minutes on each side, three times per day beginning at 38 weeks. Researchers measured the effectiveness by taking measurements to determine a Bishops score at 38 and 39 weeks. A Bishop score ranges from 0 to 13 and is based on cervical dilation, effacement, station, cervical position, and consistency. The bishop score was almost unchanged in the group who did not stimulate their breasts. The mean bishop score went from about 3 to 6 in the group that massaged their breasts. This group went into labor with fewer inductions and more vaginal deliveries.
The condition of your cervix can influence the induction methods your care provider recommends and how effective those methods will be. A Bishop score of 8 or higher generally indicates a favorable cervix for inducing labor. Nipple stimulation could potentially help your cervix ripen and improve the odds of a successful medical induction.
A Cochrane review found that with the intervention of nipple stimulation, significantly more women went into labor within 72 hours. 37.3% of the intervention group started labor vs. 6.4% of the group with no nipple stimulation. There is no downside to nipple stimulation, provided you aren’t stimulating your nipples to the point at which they are sore. The upside is that there is some evidence this can be beneficial to start your labor or make your cervix more favorable for successful medical induction.
If you want to take nipple stimulation up a notch, sex may also help naturally induce labor. There are a few mechanisms at work with this intervention. Getting intimate and having an orgasm promotes the release of oxytocin, the hormone that causes contractions. Plus, female orgasms include uterine contractions. Lastly, semen is highly concentrated with prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are hormones that cause your cervix to ripen (dilate and efface) and your uterine muscles to contract. Synthetic prostaglandins (misoprostol and dinoprostone) are commonly used to induce labor in a hospital setting.
The evidence to support sex as an intervention to initiate labor is mixed. One study found no difference in the rate of spontaneous labor with increased sexual activity. Similar results were also found in this research. Another study interviewed 120 women with signs of labor onset about recent sexual activity. They found gestational age at the time of delivery was significantly lower in the intercourse group versus the control group. In this case, sstatistically significant amounts to a mean gestational age of five days younger in the group who had sex within the past week. The researchers concluded that sexual activity in the last week of pregnancy might be associated with the onset of labor.
Although there is mixed evidence that sex induces labor, there are other benefits to intimacy with your partner. Sex during pregnancy is safe, although you may need to modify positions to accommodate your belly. If you have any concerns or questions about having sex during pregnancy or to induce labor, please talk to your doctor or midwife.
Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine. The practice involves inserting extremely thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. The objective of doing this is to balance the energy flow, known as chi. According to traditional Chinese medicine, chi flows through pathways called meridians in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe your energy flow will re-balance. Many Western practitioners view the acupuncture points as places to stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue. Some believe this stimulation boosts your body’s natural painkillers and increases blood flow. Many people often use acupuncture for pain relief. The mechanism by which acupuncture may induce labor is by stimulating the release of oxytocin.
One randomized, double-blind study compared acupuncture on one group and sham acupuncture on another, where needles were blunt-tipped and did not puncture the skin. Researchers chose acupuncture points specifically thought to help with the onset of labor. Participants were women who were 41 weeks and six days. Within 24 hours, 12% of the participants who received acupuncture went into labor, versus 14% in the control group. A Cochrane review, which included 22 trials and 3456 women, concluded that acupuncture showed some benefit in improving cervical maturity; however, more well‐designed trials are needed.
Acupuncture could be helpful in inducing labor naturally. Working with a licensed acupuncturist with knowledge and experience in treating pregnant women is important. The risk is that you could be a little sore where the practitioner inserts needles. The only other downside is that your health insurance is unlikely to cover this treatment. The average cost of an acupuncture session is $75-125.
Acupressure is similar to acupuncture but without needles. Instead, the practitioner uses their hands to pressure various points throughout your body. The mechanism behind how acupressure could induce labor is that it can cause the release of oxytocin, which can stimulate labor. One study found acupressure helped the cervix dilate and efface in preparation for labor. A Cochrane review found no evidence of the benefit of acupressure to induce labor.
Although acupressure may not initiate labor, some research shows it can effectively decrease labor pain and shorten delivery time. There is no downside to acupressure other than the time to learn how to apply pressure to specific points.
Castor Oil
Castor oil is the most controversial method of inducing labor naturally. This is a natural oil extracted from the seeds of the castor plant. This is a stimulant laxative that works by increasing the movement of the intestines. The mechanism of action by which castor oil is thought to induce labor is by stimulating the uterus to contract. The intestines are smooth muscles near the uterus, which is also a smooth muscle. It is possible that intestinal cramping could spread to the uterus and cause contractions.
One study found castor oil to be a safe, non-pharmacological method to induce labor. All of the study participants were past their due date. 45% of the group given castor oil required a pharmacological induction of labor versus 90% of the control group. In another study, castor oil was not found to help induce labor, but there were also no adverse effects.
Castor oil is controversial because there are some risks, including nausea, diarrhea, and dehydration. Even if castor oil helps initiate labor, you don’t want to be working through contractions sick and stuck in the bathroom. Although you should consult your doctor or midwife before any method of inducing labor naturally, definitely discuss castor oil before trying it.
Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil is a natural oil extracted from the evening primrose plant’s seeds and is rich in omega-6 fatty acids. This is usually in a capsule that is taken orally or inserted vaginally. The mechanism behind evening primrose oil to induce labor is that linolenic acid in evening primrose oil may trigger a prostaglandin response.
One study on evening primrose oil taken orally from week 37 found it did not shorten the time until birth or decrease the overall length of labor. Evening primrose oil was associated with increased complications, including prolonged rupture of membranes, oxytocin augmentation, arrest of descent, and vacuum extraction. A triple-blind placebo-controlled study found that evening primrose oil does not have any impact on Bishop’s score and the duration of different stages of labor. Another study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found that evening primrose oil positively affected the bishop score compared to the placebo group.
The evidence on whether evening primrose oil will naturally induce labor is mixed. This supplement has mild blood-thinning properties, and some research has linked it to complications. Before using this to induce labor naturally method, you should definitely discuss it with your doctor or midwife.
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
According to Traditional Medicinals, one tea manufacturer, red raspberry leaf tea is traditionally used throughout pregnancy to help tone the uterus in preparation for childbirth. Of course, these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Drinking red raspberry leaf tea is purported to tone the uterus and help to organize irregular contractions into regular, productive patterns. The general thinking is that you start drinking a cup daily in the third trimester and gradually increase to two or three cups daily. If you do not enjoy tea, this is also available in capsules.
There have been some animal studies on rats. One study concluded that the biological activity of red raspberry leaves varies depending on the herbal preparation used and pregnancy status. These results do not support the hypothesis that red raspberry leaf augments labor by a direct effect on uterine contractility (the ability of the uterus to contract). Another study found raspberry leaf use during pregnancy was associated with increased gestation length and accelerated reproductive development in the offspring. Both of these animal studies were small, but the results are not promising to show that this is an effective method to induce labor or make labor shorter or easier.
In a double‐blind, randomized, placebo‐controlled trial, researchers examined the effects of red raspberry leaf supplements on labor. They found that red raspberry leaf capsules did not shorten the first stage of labor. The group that consumed the capsules had lower use of forceps and a slightly shorter second stage of labor, by a mean of 9.59 minutes. Overall, researchers found no significant relationship between tablet consumption and birth outcomes.
Although there is limited evidence to support drinking red raspberry leaf tea to induce labor naturally, it is generally recommended to avoid this until the second trimester. As with any supplement, even something herbal and over-the-counter, you should run it by your doctor or midwife first. See this episode for a deep dive into drinking tea during pregnancy and what teas are safe or which you should avoid.
Spicy Foods
The mechanism behind the idea that spicy foods could induce labor naturally is that spicy foods contain capsaicin, a compound that can irritate the lining of the stomach or intestines. Theoretically, an inflammatory response in the digestive tract could lead to the production of prostaglandins. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that spicy foods effectively induce labor. If you enjoy spicy food, be aware that it can cause heartburn. See this episode for evidence-based interventions for heartburn relief during pregnancy and the safety of antacids, H2 blockers, and PPIs.
Pineapple is rumored to induce labor naturally by helping to ripen the cervix and cause uterine contractions. Bromelain’s anti-inflammatory properties could reduce inflammation and aid tissue remodeling in preparation for labor. It is also a proteolytic enzyme, meaning it breaks down proteins. In theory it could weaken or break down proteins in cervical tissue, potentially aiding in cervical softening and dilation. It is also theorized that gastrointestinal irritation caused by bromelain could indirectly stimulate the uterus and cause contractions. While there has been some investigation into whether pineapple can induce labor naturally, there is no solid evidence that it is effective.
The highest concentrations of bromelain are in the stem, which is the source of bromelain in most supplements. The core has a moderate concentration of bromelain. Low amounts of bromelain are in the flesh, which is the most edible part of the fruit. If you would like to try eating pineapple to induce labor, ensure you get a fresh pineapple. The canning process uses heat pasteurization, which destroys the enzyme. As a result, canned pineapple contains little to no bromelain.
Basil & Oregano
Basil and oregano are herbs that are thought to induce labor naturally. They are both emmenagogues, which are herbs that improve the blood flow in the uterus and help with menstruation. Some cultures use basal and oregano tea to bring on a late period. Both herbs are considered safe to consume during pregnancy but, in high doses, are thought to cause uterine contractions. Eggplant parmesan contains both these ingredients and is a popular dish that has been rumored to induce labor. Unfortunately, I could not find evidence supporting basil or oregano to start labor.
Date Fruit
Dates are rumored to naturally induce labor and make labor shorter. The leading theory behind the mechanism of dates having these benefits is that dates have an oxytocin-like effect. Your oxytocin receptor concentration increases 200–300 times during pregnancy. Dates affect oxytocin receptors by making your uterine muscles respond better to oxytocin.
The first research on dates was a small study in 2011 that found that women who ate dates for four weeks before their due date had a significantly higher mean cervical dilatation upon admission than those who did not eat dates. In addition, the group who consumed dates had a significantly higher rate of spontaneous labor (96% vs. 79%), a lower rate of synthetic oxytocin (28% vs. 47%), and a shorter first stage of labor (average of 8.5 vs. 13.5 hours).
Following that study, additional research has linked eating dates to shorter labor. A clinical trial found that dates were associated with higher cervical ripening rates, fewer cesareans, and less use of forceps or synthetic oxytocin. A systematic review and meta-analysis found that date fruit consumption significantly reduced gestation duration, increased cervical dilation on admission, and shortened the first stage of labor.
The general recommendation for eating dates towards the end of your pregnancy is to eat 6-7 dates per day from week 36 or 37. The only downside of consuming dates is that they are high in sugar. This could be a concern if you have gestational diabetes. Check out this episode for more information and a deep dive into the research on eating dates and labor.
Anecdotal Research
One study asked mothers, “Did anything happen, or did you do anything that you think may have made your labor start when it did?” 60% reported that nothing happened or could not attribute labor to something they did. Of the 40% who answered yes:
- 32% reported physical activity (usually walking)
- 24% a clinician-mediated trigger
- 19% a natural phenomenon
- 14% some other physical trigger (including sexual activity)
- 12% reported ingesting something
- 12% an emotional trigger
- 7% maternal illness. It could be that expecting mothers were going about their lives before entering labor. Some more specific responses were shopping, housework, working a lot, keeping busy, etc.
The only sure way to go into labor without medical intervention is to wait until your body and your baby are ready. Always talk to your doctor or midwife about trying anything to induce labor naturally.
The Placebo Effect
The placebo effect occurs when a treatment or action leads to positive results, not because of its direct physical impact but because of the belief that it will work. If there’s something you think might help your body go into labor, it could be effective due to the placebo effect. Whether drinking a special tea, eating a particular food, or taking a daily walk, your mindset and belief in these actions can play a powerful role. As long as you are comfortable with the potential risks and your care provider supports it there is no harm in trying.
Talking to Your Doctor or Midwife
Before trying any methods for inducing labor naturally, having a conversation with your doctor or midwife is essential. Your care provider can help you evaluate whether a particular approach is safe and appropriate for your unique circumstances. While most natural techniques are considered low-risk, your healthcare provider will consider factors like your medical history, pregnancy progress, and potential risks to you or your baby. As excited and anxious as you may be to meet your baby, always prioritize safety and open communication with your care team.
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