
I support the decisions you make for you and your baby regarding feeding, and I want to make sure that you have accurate information on breastfeeding and the support to be successful.

Breastfeeding Episodes

Navigating Weaning: How to Stop Breastfeeding Without Stress or Anxiety

Overview Some of the best breastfeeding resources lack great information on weaning. What you find instead is information on why you should keep breastfeeding and…

The Top 5 Reasons Moms Stop Breastfeeding Early

Overview New mothers go into breastfeeding with the best intentions. Unfortunately, many run into issues that make breastfeeding difficult or impossible. By six months, three…

The Key to Maintaining and Increasing Milk Supply

Overview Milk supply is the number one reason mothers quit breastfeeding early or supplement with infant formula. The first line of defense for maintaining or…

Guide to Breast Changes During Pregnancy and Lactation

Overview During the nine months of pregnancy, your body undergoes more changes than at any other time in your life. Your breasts, in particular, will…

Guide to Bottle Feeding and Infant Formula

Overview Even if you plan to breastfeed exclusively, there is value in learning about bottles and formula if you decide or need to incorporate them…

Success Strategies for Pumping Breastmilk and Building a Stash

Overview Breast milk is liquid gold. It is so valuable and amazing that scientists cannot reproduce it in a lab, and only you can make…

Troubleshooting Common Breastfeeding Issues

Overview Your newborn is hard-wired to breastfeed and is born with instincts to help them latch right after birth. Despite these instincts, breastfeeding doesn’t always…

Mastering the Basics of Breastfeeding

Overview A lot of moms expect breastfeeding to come naturally, and that is not the case for many new mothers. Despite all the evidence supporting…

COVID-19 and Breastfeeding

Overview COVID-19 can bring new challenges to breastfeeding. Don’t panic, plan. Get the evidence and guidelines on how COVID-19 can affect breastfeeding, and what precautions…

Lactation Cookies, Do They Really Work?

Overview Milk supply can be a stressful topic, and low supply is the most common reason that moms stop breastfeeding or don’t feel like they…

I’m Freaked Out About Breastfeeding

Overview The idea of breastfeeding a baby may be foreign if you have not been around other mothers who are nursing and if you have…

Lipase and Freezing Breastmilk

Overview Lipase is an enzyme naturally produced in breastmilk that can give your milk an off smell and taste. This is only noticeable when you…

Lessons Learned Breastfeeding the Second Time Around

Overview Breastfeeding is commonly thought of as something that comes naturally once your baby is born.  For a small number of mothers, this may be…

Breastfeeding Challenges in the Real World

Overview This episode focuses on breastfeeding challenges in the real world. These are issues that can be the hardest to overcome. These complex issues are…

Breast Crawl

Overview If your newborn baby is placed on your abdomen after birth, they will use their instincts and their senses to make their way up…

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding with Large Breasts

Overview Most women will see their breasts increase in size beginning in the first trimester of pregnancy. This happens as the ducts and alveoli in…

Breast Size and Milk Production

Overview Most women experience an increase in their breast size early on in their pregnancy. Everyone is different, and not everyone ends up with huge…

Cabbage Leaves

Overview It has long been rumored that cabbage leaves remedy breast engorgement and dry up your milk supply. It is thought that the phytoestrogen property…

Preparing for Breastfeeding

Overview You can do a lot to prepare for breastfeeding before you have your baby and some straightforward steps you can take during your pregnancy. …

Additional Resources

Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding covers everything about breastfeeding. It is a fantastic guide and a great reference tool you will use over and over again.

La Leche League

La Leche League is an excellent resource for breastfeeding information. LLL has support groups worldwide that can be a lifesaver for breastfeeding.

Kelly Mom

Kelly Mom

Kelly Mom has detailed articles on every issue and question that can come up in your breastfeeding journey.



The LactMed database is the best resource if you have any questions about taking medications and breastfeeding.

Shop Top-Rated Breast Pumps Covered by Insurance at Aeroflow

Did you know that your health insurance will cover the cost of a breast pump? It’s true! In fact, many health insurance plans also cover milk storage bags, breastfeeding prep courses, and more. At Aeroflow Breastpumps, you can shop top-rated breast pumps from brands like Medela, Spectra, and Motif without ever opening your wallet. Fill out their quick and easy insurance eligibility form, and they’ll take care of the rest! It might just be the easiest thing you do this pregnancy.